Cadastral Registry Office Cadastral Registry Office
With the provision of article 1 par. 3 of Law 2664/1998, from the entry into force of the Land/Cadastral Registry Office in each one of the areas registered under the Law 2308/1995, the system of transfers to the local Land registry offices that existed until then in these areas is replaced by the National Land/ Cadastral Registry Office which is a system of legal, technical and other information organized on a property-centric basis for all properties in the land registration area.

Our law firm, having successfully handled numerous of Land Registry cases, has experience and knowledge in the field of Land Registry matters. It is staffed by Lawyers and highly qualified Engineers who work together to provide you with comprehensive solutions to any Land Registry issue, to help you ensure the protection of your real estate and to help you avoiding any mistakes that may be made from your property disputes.

With knowledge, consistency and seriousness we undertake, for example:
  • Completing and submitting the electronic declaration of the registration of your property in the land registry office, gathering all the necessary supporting documents that accompany it and submitting them to the competent Land Registry Office.
  • Proceedings for identification of ownership of article 6 par. 2 of Law 2664/1998
  • Application for recognition of ownership of article 6 par. 3 of Law 2664/1998
  • Request to correct an error regarding your declarations

Working Hours

  Monday - Friday: 09.00 - 19.00
  Saturday - Sunday: Closed